Thursday, April 2, 2009

KoGS+FEED Event: Artists for Humanity

A big Thank You to all New Yorkers who came out in the rain lastnight to party with us @ the King of Greene St. store in Soho :)  KoGS's owners, Tom & Albert Hong, threw FEED one of the loveliest events we have ever had.  In addition to the large crowd, beautiful store space, DJ & Bulldog Gin - FEED 2 bags, that were painted by several exceptionally talented students involved in the Boston-based Artists for Humanity - were auctioned off to raise $ for both our organizations.  Lauren managed to snag a beautiful bag herself!

Thank you!


  1. How about letting fans know in advance of these events?

  2. This was an event hosted by the store, King of Greene Street. Since we did not host the party, we could not send mass-emails out to FEED supporters. I am sorry for this, but thank you for supporting FEED!! We will definitely host an event in the future.
