The GREEN Party lastnight was great! We met a few very cool + very exceptional people, doing their best to change the ways we utilize (& waste) materials. Leen, Lauren and I spoke to a woman, Suzanne Gerber, who writes for a magazine called "Pilates Style". She volunteers her time in the South Bronx teaching school kids yoga (which they love!!). Rachel Sarnoff, who writes the blog "", was super sweet & she promised us a mention in one of her future articles. Interestingly enough, we ran into Killy + Michelle from Veev - the organic Acai liquor co. that helped with our Fred Segal launch - & they were great also! The cutest of the bunch were Hannah Gross and Mattie Kahn, co-presidents of Teens Turning Green. They share the Teen Vogue April Issue with our Lauren, & their efforts for going-green have been extraordinary. They recently produced "Project Green Prom" for Whole Foods, which showcased eco-friendly make-up, prom dresses, and hair products. Keep up the amazing work ladies!