Friday, October 16, 2009

Happy World Food Day!!!

You may not know that today is World Food Day, but it is. It is a day to mindful about food issues. It is a day to be grateful for all the delicious and nutritious food we do have access to. And it is a day to want to help those who do not have access to such food- here in our own country and abroad in developing countries.

Today 1.02 billion people around the world are hungry! And a child dies every five seconds from hunger-related causes. These are not just numbers, they are people who desperately need our help! And by help, I am not just talking about a band-aid, but your thoughts, your efforts, and hopefully your solutions to change the food system as a whole.

Today Team FEED (Ellen, Nicole, Kristina, and I) volunteered at God's Love We Deliver. They are an amazing organization working right here in our backyard of New York to deliver food to people who are too ill to shop and cook for themselves. They serve 1600 people a day, 3000 meals. These meals are all prepared out of fresh ingredients and then delivered by hand apartment by apartment. Today Team FEED was on the delivery side, serving meals to people in the downtown Manhattan area. One woman Kay chatted to us for a bit, and as we were leaving thanked us for "Bringing her, her Friday fish". I would encourage you all today or any day to volunteer at a local organization that needs your help. If you are interested in learning more about God's Love We Deliver, please visit

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