Thursday, May 21, 2009

Whole Foods Windows!

A while back, Whole Foods NYC tweet'd @FEEDProjects letting us know that they were displaying ensembles made of the FEED bags in their windows - created by some extremely talented FIT students - & yesterday we finally got to see them! They were AMAZING. We were so taken back by their creativity, and we are extremely honored that they did such a thing for FEED. Check out the photos!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Ruhiira, Uganda 2009

Ellen and Dr. Jot, the Millennium Villages Community Health Work Advisor

Water is taken from the stream, requiring three separate purification processes

Ellen and a cutie

Ellen and her new friends

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Lauren and I have been visiting Ruhiira, Uganda as the first Millennium Village Community Health Workers start using their ultra-cool and functional FEED Health/MV Backpacks!  We have been thrilled to drive through the rural highlands of Southern Uganda and come upon Doreen, a Community Health Worker visiting her patients, ready with all her supplies in her backpack.  Can't wait to upload the photos because this part of the world is amazingly picturesque!